Greetings, we met at the pet fair in Busan, I am already in Venezuela, I tell you that we are interested in your product to eliminate odor, and we have already made the necessary inquiries to register your product in Venezuela and for this I need:
1.- FOB price of the product
2.- Presentations of the boxes
3.- Commercial Conditions
4.- Marketing support
5.- Product dossier in English
6.- Product stability
7.- Label in Spanish
8.- Preparation and dispatch time
안녕하세요 현재 청라에서 애견동반카페를
상품을 사용중인데 문의도 문의도 많이 들어와 혹시 도매가 가능하다면 상품을 판매하고 싶습니다.
가능하시다면 으로 견적서 및 규정 연락 부탁드립니다.